Friday, December 28, 2018

Resolutions: 2018 into 2019

So, I have this little cheat system.  I make, like, a ton of New Years' resolutions.  Like, a lot.  The reason?  The odds of me completing at least one or two of them are better that way.  There are some obvious cons to this, of course.  I mean, for example, for 2018 I made fifteen resolutions... wrote them down and everything.  How many did I complete?  Four and a half.  Just four and a half out of fifteen.  And I'll be honest, I might be stretching a one and a half of these to make me feel better.  But, you know what?  I like my system.  So, here are the resolutions for 2018 that I completed, followed by my writerly type resolutions for 2019.

Start Writer's/Reader's Blog: If you're reading this, well... you have your proof.

Finish Flame Rough Draft:  Flame is the sequel to my first complete, as of yet unpublished, novel.  My goal was to at least finish the rough draft to the first of its two sequels.  Well, done.  As of NaNoWriMo 2018, Flame's first draft is done.  Now, only to edit.

The other two completed goals were not writing or reading related, so I'll leave them off.  But, yeah.  Writing-wise, this is what I completed this year.  Doesn't look like much, compared to what I had set out for myself this year.  But... I did a couple of extra writing things this year--like writing a complete novella.  And while I didn't make any reading goals for 2018, I am very pleased with what I accomplished there this year.  I'll be doing my "Books Read in 2018" soon.  I actually super excited for it!  Now, to make a clear statement of what I want to accomplish, writer/reader-wise, in 2019.

Edit Ash and Get it Out to Agent(s): I was going to start on this this month, but due to several circumstances, I'm a little burnt out.  So, I'll give it a go starting in Mid-January, I believe. 

Edit Flame: This should be self-explanatory, given that it's the sequel to Ash, shouldn't it be?

Begin Ember: The third novel in this trilogy.  It might not be until November, but I'm coming for it.

Write Next Novella in Series: I like what I wrote for my novella this year, and I want to continue it.  So, here you go.

Find Publisher for Novella: Again, self-explanatory

Read at Least Two More Books This Year than Last: I won't reveal any numbers yet, as I want to save the number books I read this year for my "Books Read" post.  But I want to add at least two to that number.

Read at Least One "Classic" Novel: I read a couple last year--again, more info to follow.  So, I'd like to read at least one this year, just to say that I've lived up to the degree I earned.

Finished One Old WIP: This relates more to my "just for me" stuff... but yeah.  I need to do it.

Start Writer/Reader Podcast: This was on the to-do list for 2018 but didn't happen.  So, I'm gonna redouble my efforts at it this year.

And I do believe that's it.  It's quite a list.  Again, realistically, I probably won't get them all done.  But then... who knows?  Maybe I will.  I'll never know unless I try.  What is everyone else's New Year's Resolution(s)?  I'd love to hear them! 

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