Sunday, April 7, 2019

Magical Readathon TBR

I realize that it's seven, soon to be eight, days into the readathon when I post this.  However, I just thought that I'd share the books I'd chosen to use--along with my career and such.  So, without further ado...

Wizarding Career Chosen: Auror (dark wizard catcher; job of one Harry Potter)
Classes Needed for OWLs: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.

Charms: "Ageline: read an adult work"

I've actually just finished this one, but I chose Fool by Christopher Moore.  In a nutshell, it's a bawdy satire of Shakespeare's King Lear where the protagonist is Lear's fool, Pocket.  I'll talk more about this when I finish my readathon.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: "Reducto: read a book whose title begins with R"

I'm not very far into this one, but I chose Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard.  A book about the division of a people: those who are Reds and those who are Silvers.  There's also a magic component involved. 

Herbology: "read a book with a plant on the cover"

For this, I'm reading my ebook copy of Because You Love to Hate Me, a lovely anthology featuring stories all about the villains--which are often my favorite characters. I've only read the first story in this antho so far, but I loved it. 

Potions: "Next ingredient: read a sequel"

Last year, I read the first in this trilogy, which is a historical fiction that asks the question, "What if Vlad the Impaler had been born a girl instead of boy?"  And I loved it.  I was very into vampires, both fictionally and historically speaking, so I can't wait to see how White's interpretation plays out in relation to what actually happened.

Transfiguration: "read a book with sprayed edges or a red cover"

So, funny story... Every red cover book I own that I have an interest of reading... I've already read.  Also, I didn't think I owned a book with sprayed edges... I do.  And it's the sequel to Fool.  But whatever.  I borrowed this one, Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell from my bestie, and I intend to read it.  Who knows?  I might need that other one for NEWTs (in August). 

And that's it!  That's my TBR for the Magical Readathon!  And it's not too late to participate!  All the links you need are in the description area of this video.  See you later! 

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